Sound Installation
Wood, candles, magnetos, bronze, plastic, bimetall springs.
Variable dimensions.
“Nocturno in Spanish, Nocturne in English, (from Latin nocturnus) is usually a musical composition that is inspired by, or evocative of, the night….
Nocturnes are generally thought of as being tranquil, often expressive and lyrical, and sometimes rather gloomy…”
“Monocordio in Spanish, Monochord in English, is an ancient musical and scientific laboratory instrument. The word “monochord” comes from the Greek and means literally “one string.”…
A room lit by candlelight.
Seven monochords with different tuning plucked by a mechanism driven by the flame of the candles.
The “tempo” is conducted by the heating and cooling of a bimetallic spring.
The music ends when the last candle is extinguished.
The darkness.[/lang_en]
Sound Installation
Madera, velas, imanes, bronce, plastico, espiral bimetálico.
Dimensiones Variables.
“Nocturno (del latín nocturnus) es usualmente una composición musical inspirada o que evoca la noche.
Los Nocturnos son generalmente calmos, a menudo expresivos y líricos y en algunos casos algo sombríos…”
“Monocordio es un antiguo instrumento musical e instrumento scientífico de laboratorio. La palabara “monocordio” viene del Griego y significa literalmente “una cuerda”….”
Una habitación iluminada por velas.
Siete monocordios con diferente afinación son percutidos por un mecanismo activado por la llama de la vela.
El “tempo” depende del calentarse y enfriarse de un espiral bimetálico.
La música finaliza cuando la última vela se extingue.
La oscuridad.[/lang_es]
Nocturne (for 7 Monochords)
Sound Installation
Wood, candles, magnetos, bronze, plastic, bimetal springs.
Variable dimensions.